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Matt Harding Stars In Visa’s New Ad Campaign

Visa has launched a travel-focused campaign starring internet celebrity Matt Harding, who dances his way through several locations across Asia, promoting Visa’s global currency campaign.

In the new commercial Matt celebrates the hassle-free joy of the unnecessary currency exchange due to the mass acceptance of Visa, as he travels around the world. The advert debuted in Hong Kong and Korea and will be broadcasted in eight countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region over the next few weeks.

After high school Harding decided to skip university and become a video game developer. His career took him to Pandemic Studios in Brisbane for 2½ years. His first video, filmed while travelling with a co-worker, was made simply as a running gag for family and friends, but quickly spread virally across the web, when he posted his video of him dancing in front of landmarks and street scenes in various international locations on his YouTube account mattharding2718 in 2005. Today over 1,3 million people have watched that video.

Unlike most viral web hits, Harding’s popularity has increased with time. The 2006 video took a little over two years to reach 10 million hits but the latest one, posted on YouTube on 20 June 2008, passed that mark in 83 days and has been viewed 13,242,894 times as of 2 December 2008. Both were sponsored by Stride, a brand of chewing gum created by Cadbury-Schweppes.

For his 2008 video Harding spent 14 months travelling to 42 countries, just months after he returned from a world tour of 39 countries for his second internet video. Harding has been hired since to appear in several travel agency advertisements and by Google showing off his favourite dancing locations and by Yahoo, where Nicki Dugan dragged Matt hither and yon across the Yahoo! campus to shoot 33 scenes in less than seven hours.

Many created their own video with the goofy dance or made hilarious spoofs like Where The Hell is Matt’s Girlfriend?. And even local businesses tap into the Matt Harding mania such as South Brisbane real estate agent Bees Nees, hoping to get the same viral success.
In May 2009, Matt will launch his first book containing a collection of anecdotes about making his videos. See also an interview with Matt Harding and his three lectures about the dancing video and how it was made.

For the Visa project Harding travelled just two weeks to China, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam with his girlfriend, keeping a diary on his blog. “It was sort of like a paid vacation,” he said.

The ‘travel happy’ dance continues in a second Visa commercial and will feature cruise operators, hotel and restaurant staff, tour guides, and taxi drivers from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and Vietnam.

Visa’s new television commercials are conceptualized and developed by BBDO.


Matt Harding,1976年次的年輕人, 他在2003年用他所有的積蓄去旅行, 在旅行中只是一個簡單的想法,
用跳舞記錄他到過的每個地方, 而他都把所有的紀錄放在自己的網站, 當初網站也只是要讓他的親人與朋友知道他在外一切安好。

後來有人發現了這些影片並開始傳閱, 於是有家口香糖廠商覺得他的構想很棒,贊助他旅遊經費,
因此在2006年他花了六個月走遍了39個國家, 接下來的2007、2008年他依舊到世界各地跳舞(包括了台灣), 而且還有了許多的同伴共舞。

Matt跳的舞很滑稽,但是他的笑容與熱情卻是讓人感動, 他只是一個簡單的動作、簡單的想法改變了他的一生, 至今他已經去了63個國家!

有時想想我們是不是都有認真的看待我們靈機一動的小想法? 我們是不是真的就去執行了?還是我們會因為旁人的取笑就做罷了?
如果我們都像Matt這樣認真對待一個這麼簡單、或許說很呆的想法, 或許一個無法預期的驚喜就等著我們!

就算我們得不到相同的驚喜,至少我們擁有了年老了值得回憶的豐富生命! 這一直是我追尋的目標!
我期待我年老了,回頭看我所有的每一步, 我都可以很感謝我給了自己每一個微笑、大笑的回憶,
而不是一直說:「早知道我那時就應該做....」, 我可以很自豪的說:「Blue的生命是精彩豐富的!」
來台灣時,大概沒有幾個人知道他 所以只有孤單的一個人跳囉
不過我剛看到影片時確實震撼到了 曾幾何時我們也有許多夢想,不過通常會為了很多因素而錯過了


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