Trace Santa Claus By Google Earth
It's Christmas Eve! Thanks to NORAD and Google you can watch Santa make his deliveries around the world. The best place to watch Santa is with Google Earth. If you haven't already, download Google Earth, then simply download the official santa tracker.
You can get more information about the santa tracker from the Norad Santa site, and there you will also find a Google Maps version of the tracker, or a version for your phone. Also, that site provides information in several different languages. Last night Google provided some information on the history of the Google Earth santa tracker in this post.
And, have a Merry Christmas!
聖誕老人再次游歷Google Earth
與過去四年的情形一致,Google將在Google Earth和Googel maps上測繪聖誕老人從寒冷的北極長途跋涉到世界各個角落的旅程。不過今年,Google新增了手機查詢功能,期待禮物的男孩女孩們可以通過手機追蹤他們的禮物到底何時纔能送到自己的手中。今年聖誕老人啟程於周三美國太平洋時間凌晨3點,聖誕老人將顯示在NORAD的聖誕老人網站,數據的提供由Google和北美防空司令部配合完成。
聖誕老人的愛好者也可以通過Google Earth提供的特殊NORAD KML插件追蹤,或是用iGoogle添加NORAD追蹤小工具。Google將使用高分辨率的視頻來演示『聖誕老人』駕駛雪橇游歷世界。並且,Google也首次為手機用戶提供Google Maps移動版的聖誕老人追蹤功能。
- Official Santa Tracker -
Google officially teamed up with Norad (the US North American Air Defense Command), which has been tracking Santa on their radar system for many years, to officially provide tracking for Santa in Google Earth. You should visit the web site to see the countdown to Christmas Eve and some games and other information related to the tracking system (and choose other languages). - Santa's Route -
You can check out Santa's route right now in Google Earth based on information from Travel by GPS. Click on the "Points" folder and select "Tools->Play Tour" from the GE menu to see a really cool flying tour of the route. Pretend you are Santa! You can E-mail Travel by GPS a placemark from Google Earth for the location of your house, and they will add your house to the route. - Santa from Space -
In 2005, one of the Google Earth Community members called 'ear1grey' posted an amazing discovery. He found a huge picture (36 miles tall) of Santa. He made a nifty Google Earth file for kids so they could go find the Santa by following the red nose of Rudolf the reindeer. Download this file and then turn on the "Little world" in your "Temporary Places". Look in the nose of Rudolf for Santa.
You can get more information about the santa tracker from the Norad Santa site, and there you will also find a Google Maps version of the tracker, or a version for your phone. Also, that site provides information in several different languages. Last night Google provided some information on the history of the Google Earth santa tracker in this post.
And, have a Merry Christmas!
聖誕老人再次游歷Google Earth
與過去四年的情形一致,Google將在Google Earth和Googel maps上測繪聖誕老人從寒冷的北極長途跋涉到世界各個角落的旅程。不過今年,Google新增了手機查詢功能,期待禮物的男孩女孩們可以通過手機追蹤他們的禮物到底何時纔能送到自己的手中。今年聖誕老人啟程於周三美國太平洋時間凌晨3點,聖誕老人將顯示在NORAD的聖誕老人網站,數據的提供由Google和北美防空司令部配合完成。
聖誕老人的愛好者也可以通過Google Earth提供的特殊NORAD KML插件追蹤,或是用iGoogle添加NORAD追蹤小工具。Google將使用高分辨率的視頻來演示『聖誕老人』駕駛雪橇游歷世界。並且,Google也首次為手機用戶提供Google Maps移動版的聖誕老人追蹤功能。
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